How To Get Approved For A Loan

How To Get Approved For A Loan

Have you been trying to get a loan for yourself Keep getting denied or are confused about the process? We lay down every detail you would need to get an approval for your loan,

Requirements to apply for a Goloan (this is what our underwriters look for)

  1. Be at least 18 years old.

2. Employed for at least three months with a monthly income of at least $1600, received by direct deposit from your employer.

3. No non-sufficient fund or stop payment transactions on the bank statement within the last 90 days.

4. Have a Canadian bank account (active for at least 5 months) in which you are paid by direct deposit from your employer. For PC-Financial bank accounts kindly use Flinks-IBV. We do not accept Koho.

5. Not be considering bankruptcy or entering into a consumer proposal.
Be a Canadian citizen residing in Ontario, Newfoundland, Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, or Alberta.
6. Have a low short-term debt ratio (minimal other active short-term or payday loans).

Goloans is one of the top companies offering loans. We have made the process easier and faster for you by using a third-party Instant Banking verification (Flinks & Inverite) to ensure the security of your financial data and by eliminating the use of paper documents. All you have to do is:

If Inverite supports your bank account:

A. Access bank account through Inverite ( it will show up after you send application & has military grade security)-
B. A valid photo ID

If Inverite does not support your bank account, here is a list of documents required for loan processing:

  1. Latest 3 months bank statements in PDF format.

2. A valid photo ID

3. A Void cheque

4. Latest 3 months pay

5. A proof of residence (can be electricity bills, phone bills, or even the lease agreement.)

It is mandatory and advisable for individuals looking forward to getting their loan processed as soon as possible, to have and send all the documents mentioned above ready with them to avoid any delays.

Quick Tips

Here are five quick tips to get the loan as quickly as possible:

  1. Get your credit score checked beforehand.
  1. Make sure that you do not apply for a loan with multiple lenders, as this may be unfavourable for you, Goloans has a very fast response time, be patient.

3. Take proper consideration of your debt-to-income ratio before applying for a loan.

4. Choose the loan amount that best fits your repayment capacity.

5. if you feel that you meet these requirements: submit your application here: <apply for a loan now>

6. please note, that you can apply for a loan every 30 days!

Posted by GoLoans in Loan
Online Payday Loans: Things To Consider Before Getting One

Online Payday Loans: Things To Consider Before Getting One

With increasing expenses, most of us would have felt the need to get a loan at one point or another. With numerous options online, it can seem overwhelming and time-consuming in searching for the loan company that is right for you. Getting an Online payday loan in Alberta has never been this easy. But first, here is a list of the things you should consider before getting an online payday loan:

  • Fees and penalties: Knowing the charges on your loan is the first step in successfully repaying it. Everything is disclosed in your contract so do read it thoroughly before signing. These fees and penalties can get pretty expensive if you are unable to pay back the loan within the agreed terms. So before getting one, be sure to pay back on time or else you could find yourself paying more than what you originally applied for.

  • Terms and conditions: When you get approved for a payday loan, you will be required to sign a contract. This contract entails the overall cost of the loan and the agreement that you will have with the company. It is always a good idea to go through the entire document before signing it. Read and understand everything that is stated in the contract so you do not miss the fine print.

  • Criteria for eligibility: Payday loan companies have different criteria in choosing the people they will lend to. Basically, you will be evaluated based on your repayment capability. If the company is confident that you will be able to pay back their money within the agreed upon terms, then Congratulations! You just got yourself approved!
  • Repayment procedure: Lenders have varying repayment terms, you will most likely find it in your contract. Online payday loans usually follows your pay frequency. The mode of payment is indicated in your contract as well. Due to the convenience that these loan companies promote, everything is done automatically and online. Which means, your repayments can be through a direct debit from your bank account, an electronic transfer to the lender, or you may pay through the lender’s website.

Now you have considered the steps above, are you ready to apply for a payday loan? If you are, GoLoans is a one-stop destination for all your online loan needs.

Get your funds within 24 hours in a few easy steps:

1.) Sign up at
2.) Access your bank account through Flinks
3.) Upload a photo of your valid ID

It’s that easy! Everything is done online and hassle-free. What are you waiting for? Get your funds today!

Posted by GoLoans in personal loan
Top 5 Things To Consider Before Taking A Personal Loan

Top 5 Things To Consider Before Taking A Personal Loan

Have you been considering taking a personal loan but are still confused if that’s worth it? Here are the top 5 things that you can consider before taking a loan for individual needs:

  1. Maintain good credit:Before a bank or a financial organization approves a loan, the first thing it checks is your credit score. This is a compilation of the payments and debts of the previous loans or credit card payments that have been done in the past. Unpaid loans or defaulters in the loan payment reduces the credit score to a great extent. So before you even think of getting a loan, contact the credit score checked so that you can proceed with easy loans Canada by completing the other formalities.
  2. Check and compare the rate of interest: Like every other market, even the banks have pretty tough competition in providing the loans. This competition leads to different interest rates for the loans. It is always a good idea to check at interest rates off of the latest few banks before you finally decide which one to go with because this matters a lot while repaying the loan.
  3. Check all other related costs: Most of the time sits not only about the interest. Many additional related charges depend on the bank. As the rate of interest , it is advisable to list all the associated costs that need to be paid for a particular bank before the loans, during the term, and at the time of repayment.
  4. Finalize the amount: Depending upon the needs, finalize the amount you want for yourself to get things sorted. It is always suggested not to go beyond the required amount as you are the one who has to repay it.
  5. Check for your ability to pay: This is infact one of the most crucial aspect that needs to be considered. Apart from all the formalities and finally approved loans, there comes a time when you have to start repaying them. Check for your ability, depending upon your earnings, whether you will be able to repay the loan amount you are considering to borrow or not.

If you are looking for an easy loan in Canada, all you need to do is visit and get in touch with a professionals who can guide you further with the requirements. It’s easier then you think. Relax knowing it’s only a two minute application form.

Posted by GoLoans in personal loan