If you only need the loan for a short period of time, you can definitely pay it off early with no extra charges! We’ll even give you a discount on your guarantor fee! See the table below.
Pay off your loan in: | Discount on Guarantor fee |
7 days | 70% |
14 days | 50% |
30 days | 30% |
60days | 10% |
Do you want to save up to 70% on your grantor fees? Paying off your loan is easy!
Just follow these steps:
If you happen to miss a payment, well, life happens! Just continue making your succeeding payments until you finish paying it off and you can still get 5% of your guarantor back on your loan in cash.
On your second loan, you get a 10% discount on Guarantor fees PLUS a 10% discount if you pay with no issues.
* due to the high risk of lending you can be charged as much as 70%, our goal is to get you to 40% and cheaper with added incentives.
GoLoans.ca is one of the most popular alternatives to payday lending. It’s an online installment loan company in Canada. We strive to approve loan requests in about an hour.
Address: 555-21, 10405 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB T5J 3S2, Canada.
Phone: +1(866)-478-4199
All rights reserved © 2023 GoLoans.ca